

考试吧 2014-10-15 13:53:06 评论(0)条
















  (1)What's the writer's attitude to…

  (2)What's the tone of the passage?

  (3)The author's view is_______




  I am not so nave,however,as to believe that is responsible for this unfortunate situation of the American woman. I am not a feminist,but I am an individualist.I do not believe there is any important difference between men and women.certainly not as much as there may be between one woman and another or one man and an-other.There are plenty of women and men,for that matter who would be completely fulfilled in being allowed to be as lazy as possible.If someone will ensconce them in a pleasant home and pay their bills,they ask no more of life. It is quite all right for these men and women to live thus so long as fools can be found who will pay so much for nothing much in return.Gigolos,male and female,are to be found in every class and in the best of homes.But when a man does not want to be a gigolo,he has the freedom to go out and work and create as well as he can.But a woman has not.Even if her individual husband lets her,tradition in society is against her.In this passage the author looks on the situation of women with an attitude of.





  此篇文章中,作者对待这一问题的态度十分明确、强硬(如用语I am not 等等),因此只参在选项C)和D)中选择。而从文章中的“gigolos”,"fools"等词可看出作者不仅不赞成而且态度更甚。所以,选项C)程度还不够,这一题的正确答案是D)

  (4)The writer's attitude of,this passage is apparently_________

  (5)The author suggests that_________

  (6)According to author__________




  I am not so nave,however,as to believe that is responsible for this unfortunate situation of the American woman. I am not a feminist,but I am an individualist.I do not believe there is any important difference between men and women.certainly not as much as there may be between one woman and another or one man and an-other.There are plenty of women and men,for that matter who would be completely fulfilled in being allowed to be as lazy as possible.If someone will ensconce them in a pleasant home and pay their bills,they ask no more of life. It is quite all right for these men and women to live thus so long as fools can be found who will pay so much for nothing much in return.Gigolos,male and female,are to be found in every class and in the best of homes.But when a man does not want to be a gigolo,he has the freedom to go out and work and create as well as he can.But a woman has not.Even if her individual husband lets her,tradition in society is against her.In this passage the author looks on the situation of women with an attitude of.





  此篇文章中,作者对待这一问题的态度十分明确、强硬(如用语I am not 等等),因此只参在选项C)和D)中选择。而从文章中的“gigolos”,"fools"等词可看出作者不仅不赞成而且态度更甚。所以,选项C)程度还不够,这一题的正确答案是D)



  (1)According to the author,the word“…”means_______.

  (2)Which of the following is nearest in meaning to“…”?

  (3)The term“……”in paragraph…can be best replaced by…

  (4)What's the meaning of“…”in line…of paragraph…

  (5)As used in the line…,the word“…”refers to_______.




  The fishermen make their canoes from tree trunks.They go from island to island in these light marrow boats and collect turtles' eggs.



  Jogging has become very popular in some countries,It is believed to be a good exercise for old people.

  “Jogging”的意思通过“a good exercise for old people ”可以推断出是一种适合老年人的剧烈的运动方式。



  If you happened to be sitting in the woods outside the city,you might have witnessed a strange sight.You would have seen a very proud looking man riding along horseback,saying something.



  In the northern regions the winters are generally cold and humid,and the summers hot and dry.




  Such experiences are not unusual for the amateur conchologists,people who collect shells.

  Conchologists的意思可以根据该词后面的同位解释“people who collect shells”理解为收集贝壳的人或贝壳收藏家。


  Jack is now a florist,who keeps a shop for selling flowers in our district.

  “florist”的意思就是其后定语从句“who keeps a shop for selling flowers”所描述的拥有一家专门卖花的商店的人,即“花店主”。



  Today young couples who are just starting their households of ten spend lots of their money on appliances,for instance,washing machines,refrigerators and color TVs.

  通过所举的例子(washing machines,refrigerators and color TVs)



  Finally the enemy surrendered.They threw down their weapons and walked out of the home with their hands over their heads.

  通过后一句对“surrendered”的解释:扔掉武器(throw down their weapons),举起双手(with their hands over heads)可知其意是“投降”。



  They overestimate the interviewee's ability and asked him many difficult questions.



  We were told that ours was the most spacious room in the hotel .That was why we had to pay so much for it.





  Inference类问题主要包括Significance和Communication Techniques两大类。



  (1)The writer implies but not directly states that__________.

  (2)It can be inferred from the passage that_________.

  (3)The author strongly suggests that__________.

  (4)It can be concluded from the passage that________.

  (5)The passage is intended to__________.

  (6)The writer indicates that__________.


  Nursing at Beth Israel Hospital produces the best patient care possible.If we were to solve the nursing shortage,hospital administration and doctors everywhere would do well to follow Beth Israel's example.

  At Beth Israel each patient is assigned to a primary nurse who visits at length with the patient and constructs a full-scale health ac-count that covers everything from his medical history to his emotion-al state.Then she writes a care plan centered on the patient's illness but which also includes everything else that is necessary.

  The primary nurse stays with the patient through his hospitalization,keeping track with his progress and seeking further advice from his doctor.If a patient at Beth Israel is not responding to treatment,it is not uncommon for his nurse to propose another approach to his doctor.What the doctor at Beth Israel has in the primary nurse is a true colleague.

  Nursing at Beth Israel also involves a decentralized(分散的)nursing administration;every floor,every unit is a self-contained organization.There are nurse managers instead of head nurses,in addition to their medical duties they do all their own hiring and dismissing,employee advising,and they make salary recommendations.Each unit's nurse decide among themselves who will work what shifts and when.

  Beth Israel's nurse-in-chief ranks as an equal with other vice presidents of the hospital. She also is a member of the Medical Executive Committee,which in most hospitals includes only doctors.

  It can be inferred from the passage that__________.

  A)compared with other hospitals nurses at Beth Israel Hospital are more patient

  B)in most hospitals nurses get low salaries

  C)in most hospitals nurses get low salaries

  D)compared with other hospitals nurses have to work longer hour at Beth Israel Hospital

  本题要求考生判断4个选项中哪一个是根据文章可以推断出的结论,要求考生根据文章内容作出合理的推断。从本题所提供的4个选项来看,文章并未谈及护士的“耐心”(A);也未谈及护士的“工资待遇”(C),只是说到护士的工资提升要由各科室推荐;更未涉及护士的“工作时间长短”(D)),文章的第一段最后一句才是得出正确答案的依据,这句的意思是:“如果我们确要解决护理工作不足的问题,那么各地医院的行政部门和医生最好还是效法一下Beth Israel医院”,主句的虚拟语气也说明这一点:迄今为止还未做到。由此可以推断:①护理不充分是一个应该解决的问题;②这个问题普遍存在,否则就没有必要要求各地医院行政部门和医生效法这家医院的做法。因此本题的正确答案为B),本题属于局域型问题的间接性问题,这类问题是考生出错最多的题型。在做这类问题时,切忌从篇章的个别句子中寻找答案,而应把目光放在全篇的理解上:作者写这篇文章的目的是什么,针对什么问题,如何解决等。有许多考生可能都有这种体验:有的问题,第一遍阅读时做对了,第二遍再细读后,又改错了。这就是因为他们在读第二遍时注意了对篇章的个别句于的推敲,而忽视了整篇文章的大意。

  2、Communication Techniques


  (1)The fact...is mentioned by the author to show_________.

  (2)The author achieves his purpose by depending mainly upon.

  (3)The writer talks about...in order io_________ .

  (4)In discussing...the author_________.

  (5)The author's statement about...is a...for...


  If women are mercilessly exploited year after year,they have only themselves to blame. Because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion,they are al-ways taken advantage of by the designers and the big stores.Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashion.When you come to think of it,only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear.Changing fashions are nothing more than the intentional creation of waste.Many women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn.Women who cannot afford to throw away clothing in this way,waste hours of their time altering the dresses they have. Skirts are lengthened or shortened,necklines are lowered or raised,and so on.

  No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes any thing really important to society.Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth,comfort and durability.They are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort,as long as they look right.There can hardly be a man who hasn't at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shaking in a thin dress on a winter day,or delicately picking her way through deep snow in high- heeled shoes.

  When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion,the conclusions to be drawn are obvious.Do the constantly changing fashions of women's clothes,one wonders,reflect basic qualities of inconstancy and instability?Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers.Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability?That is for you to decide.To the writer,the fact that women alter their old-fashioned dresses is seen as_________.

  A)a waste of money

  B)waste of time

  C)an expression of taste

  本题问题是:女士们把过了时的衣服改来改去,在作者看来是“浪费金钱”(A));是“(女士对服装的)喜好(品味)的表现”(C));是“(女士们)创造性的表现”(D));还是(B))所说的“浪费时间”。根据第二段所说的“waste hours of their time altering the dresses they have.”(Para.2,Line 4——5,答案应选B)

  关于细节性问题(Suppporting Details)

  细节性问题是关于Supporting Details类的问题,通过Skimming找出主题后,应进一步掌握阐述和发展主题的主要事实,或按要求找出特定细节。在回答此类问题时,应采用查读法(Scanning),因为这些具体内容(Detai1s)是用来说明、论证或分析文章中心的。这类题目常以“WH-”形式来提问,如who,what,when,where,why及how等形式。这些问题的表达常不采用文章中的原话提问,而是使用同义词语等,因此,在选择答案前应首先看准题于,看清问题所问究竟;然后,在查读时注意寻找与题目相关的关键词语;最后,在充分理解原文、原题的基础上确定正确答案。



  (1)Which of the following is NOT true according to the information in the passage?

  (2)Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?

  (3)What is the example of...as described in the passage?

  (4)The author mentions all of the following except...

  (5)The reason for...is...

  (6)The author states that...

  (7)According to the passage,when(where,why,how,who,etc.)……


  Just seven years ago,the Jarvik-7 artificial heart was being cheered as the model of human creativeness.The sight of Barney Clark-alive and conscious after trading his diseased heart for met-al-and-plastic pump -convinced the press,the public and many doctors that the future had arrived.It hadn't.After monitoring production of the Jarvik-7,and reviewing its effects on the 150 or so patients(most of whom got the device as a temporary measure)the U.S. Food and Drug Administration concluded that the machine was doing more to endanger lives than to save them.Last week the agency cancelled its earlier approval,effectively banning(禁止)the device.

  The recall may hurt Symbion Inc,maker of the Jarvik-7,but it won't end the request for an artificial heart.One problem with the banned model is that the tubes connecting it to an external power source created a passage infection.Inventors are now working on new devices that would be fully placed,along with a tiny power pack,in the patient's chest.The first sample products aren't expected for another 10 or 20 years.But some people are already worrying that they'11 work- and that America's overextended healthcare programs Will lose a precious $ 2.5 billion to $ 5 billion a year providing them for a relatively few dying patients. If such expenditures(开支)cut into funding for more basic care,the net effect could actually be a decline in the nation’s health. According to the passage the Jarvik-7 artificial heart proved to be________.

  A)a technical failure

  B)a technical wonder

  C)a good life-saver

  D)an effective means to treat heart disease

  本题是考核学生根据止下文全面理解和进行正确判断的能力,问的是本文论述的Jarvik-7人造心脏性能和效果到底如何。文章一开头说Jarvik-7是一大技术成就,但文章说到:…the U.S. Food and Drug Administration concluded that the machine was doing more to endanger lives than to save them(Line -7-9)。后面又提到:Last week the agency canceled its earlier approval,effectively banning the device.这两句话提供了这个问题的答案。因此,答案:

  The new models of artificial hearts are expected_______.

  A)to have a working life of 10 or 20 years

  B)to be set fully in the patient's chest

  C)to be equipped with an external power source

  D)to create a new passage for infection

  本题是考核正确理解事实细节的能力。选项已的意思与文章中第二段第三句,即“Inventors are now working…in the patient's chest.”的意思符合,因此选项B)是答案。







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